Selected Ambient Works, Vol. II

Selected Ambient Works, Volume II
Aphex Twin
Release date: July 15, 1981
Warner Bros. Records
Produced by Lenny Waronker & Russ Titleman

Truly a work of genius or madman even.

I bought this album back when it was released and it was so startlingly original that there was nothing to compare it to. Newsweek described it it as what it might sound like if aliens communicated, as observation from 1994 that might still sound correct and resonate had this album not been as deeply influential and absolutely plundered by electronic artists globally, leaving it to now sound like a collection of musical clichés. More accurately, the sounds on this album, both then and now, are alien.

From a listeners ears in 1994, it’s a work of astonishing originality, beauty, and at times music as flat-out eerie and disturbing as anything this side of György Ligeti’s music for 2001: A Space Odyssey. It’s also the first album ever released on a major label where the tracks had no titles. Track 3 (a.k.a. “Rhubarb”) is achingly gorgeous. An album that’s essential listening for anyone interested in electronic music. A track released only on the vinyl version (currently and maddeningly out of print) is “Stone in Focus”.

Unfortunately, there is no Selected Ambient Works, Vol. III but one can find fan compilations of “Vol. III” and even “IV”, “V”, and “VI” on YouTube and elsewhere.

Have a listen

Other recommend recordings by the artist:

Surfing On Sine Waves
Aphex Twin (as Polygon Window)
Release date: January 11, 1993
Warp Records

Selected Ambient Works 85-92
Aphex Twin
Warp Records
Release date: November 9, 1992

Aphex Twin
Warp Records
Release date: September 19, 2014


Two Wheels Good

